Sunday, January 26, 2020

A Little Good News Blog

By John Champagne

NOTE-This message is meant only for those living organisms who truly want to live life to its fullest!

Dear living organisms,

Have you recently heard the term “biohacking” and wondered what the heck it is? You probably remember biology from school, the study of plants, animals and our body; and we’ve all heard of “hackers” who use their skills on the internet to “break” into our private information. So, is someone trying to break into our body?

Well, actually, this is kind of what it is. There are several definitions for “hack” from a worn-out horse to a nasty cough, but we’ll use the definition from Websters of, “To manage or cope with”. Now let’s look at “bio” which simply means, “Life or living organism” (Websters). Biohacking is essentially managing our life, coping with the living organism of our body. If you want to get the most out of life, you need to get the most from your body, and the products Life Vantage has to offer do just this.

            The name Life Vantage is starting to be heard more and more. Why, because it is a scientific breakthrough that slows down the aging process, even reverses such things as oxidative stress (another new but soon to be common term) which means GOOD things for you and you’re your body. If you are not concerned about your own health maybe you have a friend or loved that you’d like to see healthier.  Life Vantage cares about the health of the world, literally, and so much that they are giving to Families Helping Families non-profits around the globe, with the goal of helping 1,000,000 children. When you purchase from Life Vantage, you are helping the entire world become a better place, you really can’t beat that.

If you think this is a scam and want to switch to another page now, go ahead, no skin off my back, it’s your future loss when a few years from now you hear these terms again from friends or family who look and feel years younger than you.  You will vaguely remember this blog and quietly wish, “Darn, I had the chance to get in on this years ago, and instead of reading through a couple more paragraphs, I clicked to some sad news story, or an intense political debate, that didn’t do anything to make me feel better.”

Anyone out there is familiar with Ann Murray, and her song, A little Good News?- here is the YouTube link, even if you have heard it, take the 3 minutes to listen again, come on, really, 3 minutes to click on it, listen to it and come back to this page.

    Did you like it? Oh, I know only about 1% will take the time to click out and listen, and that’s too bad, we should all take time to “smell the roses” and enjoy life because we only have one. Wouldn’t it be wonderful to have more time?

OK, if your interest is peaked, please click on one (or both) of the links below. They tell you about Life Vantage, about what it does for your body, and your life. It does exactly what the name says, gives your life an advantage. If you want more time, more time to live, more time to love, and more time to be able to spend a few minutes listening to a song or smelling roses, please take the 15  minutes to review the Nasdaq interview (about 5 ½ minutes), there is a second Nasdaq report that tells even more, watch from 1 minute to 5 minute mark (4 minutes), and the ABC Primetime investigative report (about 6 minutes).

Nasdaq interview link -



the ABC Primetime investigation-

When you are done, and you have decided to take a better look at the products, please contact me. Life Vantage products aren’t sold in stores, or by regular network marketing- and IT IS NOT A PYRAMID SCHEME.  Life Vantage utilizes people it trusts to do direct selling through Relationship selling. It is getting to know your customers, forming a working relationship, and creating a trust, where you don’t shove anything and everything under the sun, down people throats. You listen to the customer, give them the information they seek, and sell them ONLY what they WANT and NEED. This is how relationship selling works.

Why come to me? Well you don’t have to, you can look Life Vantage up on the internet and find someone else but know that I do give back to non-profits in my community (mostly to PEERS Unlimited, and Special Olympics Montana) and spend my non work/volunteer time with family, which includes 17 grandchildren, number 18 due in June. I give both financially and with my time, to my community and my family. Yes, working with Life Vantage is giving me the time and finances to allow me to do what I love, and that’s to give more.

If you still think this is a scam, then I didn’t do a very good job with this blog and would appreciate your feedback so I can find a better way to make my point, without making you feel scammed.

If you want more information about products, or have any questions (even unrelated ones, I can probably find the answer, unless it’s math, then I’ll ask my wife)

Please check out my webpage, you can find my personal e-mail and phone number on the page.



Best Regards,

      John Champagne


       CDI Solutions & Marketing LLC

Thursday, June 22, 2017

John here to tell you about my e-commerce company, CDI Solutions and Marketing LLC. What is “e-commerce”? Good question! It is electronic commerce, which is defined by Merriam-Webster as, “activities that relate to the buying and selling of goods and services over the Internet.” What I do is the middle man work. You are the consumer, you decide what you want or need, I find the product best suited for you and at the best price possible, and then you get what you want or need. I, of course, get a minimal profit for each item sold, I have 8 children and 14 grandchildren (and one more newly born Grandson), so I need to make a living too. But I am not in to become wealthy, I am already rich in health and family. I will not market a product that I don’t believe is good just to make a buck. Also, I have years of experience working with persons with disabilities and the elderly and modifying items/products or finding specific types of tools or gadgets that will help people with physical or developmental disabitlies successfully be able to use them.  I enjoy helping people be successful, so I will do my best to you give you the best. Best quality, best price, and best of all best suited for your needs/skills/limitations.

     Fourth of July
If you like playing on the water, Please check the link below for a great deal through Amazon.

Have a great 4th of July  

Friday, May 5, 2017

Hard work, does work, believe it or not?

Hard work and perseverance. It’s been said that if you work hard eventually you will get what is coming to you. This statement however, does not hold the same meaning as it did 50 years ago, or even as little as 10 years ago. Yes, the world it is a changing and while some change is good and necessary, some changes mean you work hard for a company for many years, because that’s how we (the older generation) were taught, and then the company moves, or reduces its work force, or for whatever reason they determine you are no longer required, or maybe they just go belly up with all the new bigger companies taking over. Whatever the reason it leaves a lot of hard working, loyal, committed people without a job that they thought they would retire from.
This may be you, or someone you know. It is me, and several people I know. So what to do? Perseverance! What I mean is, don’t give up. You know, “when life throws you lemons, make lemonade”. So, it is back to the hard work and perseverance. Of course, it doesn’t really matter how hard you work if what you are selling is not what people want or need. This reminds me of a “Leave it to Beaver” episode (“Water Anyone, Season 1, episode 7, 11/15/57, link below), you know those good family shows that were funny and told a story. Beaver learned that the water main was going to be shut off in his neighborhood. He knew that all the households would need water, so he used some old buckets and a hose and filled them up with water, then took them around in his wagon and made some cash selling the water. Who knew that today bottled water would be everywhere? The point is if you really want to sell something it needs to be something people need and/ or want, but also good quality and affordable. I’m not sure how clean the water Beaver sold out of old buckets was, but it was just a movie. 800B8647A189ABD5DB62800B8647A189AB&FORM=VIRE
You are probably thinking sure, right, he is selling what people want and need, and good quality at fair, affordable prices? It is possible, I have started over in life more than once, loved and lost, moved, changed jobs, even had a home burn down. What all of this means for you is I understand loss, and I understand being without things you need and want. I have had to start over, and in doing so, I have learned to do the research before making the purchase. Is this item what I really want? Will it last? Can I afford it? If it is something that I “want” but don’t “need”, such as the raft I purchased a few years ago on sale to go fishing, I do the same thing. Is it going to last? In Montana the weather is only good for rafting a few months of the year, so it will be stored away. Will it be safe for my grandkids? If the dog jumps in will it pop? I look at all of these things before spending my hard earned money. And the answer so far to all is yes. It has held up through the storage in the cold weather, the dog didn’t pop it, even after jumping in the lake and climbing back in, and the grandkids have a blast. So, this was an excellent purchase. Had I bought the cheaper version the dog would have popped it, the storage in the below zero temps would have surely taken its toll, and by this year I would need to invest in another, but instead I will be tossing it in the truck and going fishing tomorrow.
Ok, back to you. I want others to feel the same sense of security I feel when I make a good purchase. I appreciate a good product and a fair price. I will do the research and find the best item for you at the fairest price. When you come to me to find what you need or want, you can rest assure that you will be getting the best quality for the price you can afford with manufacture’s warranty.  Then when you do have time to go fishing you won’t be stranded or sinking in the lake. You will have quality time to spend
on the things you enjoy without the worry that something is going to break, or that you will get that call from work that something need fixed. 
Like the old Scrubbing Bubbles commercials, “I’ll work hard, so you don’t have to.” And, by the way, those work pretty darn well. 

Friday, April 14, 2017

Have you ever had that deer in the headlight look

I’m sure you’ve all heard of a “Dear John letter”. You know, the kind that starts out, “it’s not you, it’s me, and this relationship needs to end”. This wasn’t a relationship ending in divorce, it was a letter from my employer of 6 years at a job I truly loved with wonderful people and it read something like this: “We are experiencing declining revenues with increased expenses… we need to reduce operating expenses…your position will be eliminated effective today…”

WHAT?? Eliminated? No thank you for all your years of hard work, no here’s to you for everything you do, not even a chance to really say goodbyes; just get your stuff together, hand in your keys, and don’t let the door his you in the a** on your way out.

At this point in my life, starting over yet again gave this “dear John” the “deer in the headlights” look. You know, like when you’re driving down the road and suddenly there’s a deer just standing there, looking right at you, but stunned and unable to move. Even when you honk it still doesn’t know what to do.
Yes, that look.  I was confused, in shock, and disappointed. I planned to retire in only 6 short years, and that had just been ripped away without any warning. I felt like I had just been shot in the heart.

So, what to do now? I don’t have much trust in corporate America, now that I know that at any point, no matter how hard I work, my job can be taken away at the drop of a hat. So I am going to work for the person I know I can trust, me. But doing what?
Well, what is that I enjoyed so much about my old job? I loved the people, my coworkers and the consumers. The consumers are the adults with disabilities that worked in the production areas, they made me smile every day, there are so many good memories that I smile even now. It feels good to smile for a change. So I definitely want to do something that will give me that same good feeling.

What else, did it like about my job? I was responsible for making sure that all of the products that our agency sold was of good quality and sold at a fair price. It gave me great pleasure in satisfying customers and having them return again and again because we did provide high quality products. The consumers who worked for the agency were proud to do a good job, show off their accomplishments and see customers coming back.

That’s it then, I want a job where I can provide good quality products to customers at a fair price. I want customers to want to come back because they know I will do my best to ensure the best quality at the best price. I don’t need to make millions (although it would be nice), as I enjoy a fairly simple life, but I would like to make enough to help the local programs who support the adults with disabilities and make sure they always have a safe environment to work in and can continue to feel pride in the jobs they do. Heck, if I make enough I’d love to start my own non-profit agency and hire all the wonderful co-workers I’ve been with all these years. I have a dream … wait, someone great already started with that line, it is a good one though, and it would be wonderful to see this dream to a reality.

 Here’s to a fresh start in a new Business and hopefully meeting and making many new customers and Friends.

Best Regards to all.
John Champagne